Sunday, February 1, 2009

A love note

A Love Note from Your Father,
Taken from the Psalms

My dear child,
I am with you. Stop striving and know that I am God. I have chosen your inheritance for you. I rule over everything. Remember Isreal - they didn't possess the land by their own swords. It wasn't their hand that saved them. It was my right hand and my arm and the light of my presence. I favored them. So it is with you - I have poured out grace on your lips and will bless you forever.

I will always guide you, until the day you die. You thought I was just like you. But my lovingkindness endures all day long, every day. Know this - I am for you. My lovingkindness toward you is higher than the heavens. Stay with me and take refuge under the shelter of my wings.

Trust in me at all times and pour out your heart before me. I am the one who bears your burdens. I am your salvation and am the God of deliverance for you. I will show Myself strong in the way I act on your behalf. Just trust me and praise me more and more.

Listen to what I am saying - I speak peace to you, my godly one. Your springs of joy are to be found in me. I will satisfy you every morning with my lovingkindness. When you find anxious thoughts multiplying in your mind, my consolation will delight your soul. So be glad.

I never change. My sovereignty rules over all. Meditate on that and I'll be pleased. I have sent my word and healed you and delivered you from your destructions. I am God. I do whatever I please and it pleases me to be gracious and compassionate and to preserve you. What I have said is settled in heaven.

I don't count sins, or else nobody could stand. You are forgiven and my lovingkindness is everlasting. My lovingkindness is everlasting! I will accomplish the things that concern you. I know you - when you sit down and get up, what you think. I carefully watch over you as you move through your day and then sleep at night. I am intimately acquainted with everything about you. I wrote the script for every day of your life before you lived a single one of them. I know your path and the way where you will walk.

And my child...I so take such pleasure in you!

With eternal love,
Your proud Father

(Taken from The Grace Walk Experience by Steve McVey)