Saturday, January 31, 2009

Treadmill Life

Once again it has been way too long since my last post. I was explaining to a friend that I feel like my life is on a treadmill. The problem is that the speed is set too fast and my feet cannot quite keep up. Do you get the picture?

Every day I leave my house just after 7:00 am and I usually don't get home until between 6:00-7:00 pm. Obviously, this makes for really long and tiring days.

But this post really isn't a complaint about life, it is just an explanation. I am loving all that I am doing right now! I love teaching and I am excited about my research.

What is keeping me sane, you may ask? My time with the Lord, friends, and running. Although I am busy, I make sure to get plenty of all the above.

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