Saturday, July 12, 2008

"Coming unglued"

Many of the thoughts that make there way to a post come while I am out running. Running clears my head and allows me to let my thoughts wander without distractions.

Today while I was running, I somehow got to thinking about the phrase "coming unglued." I really don't like this phrase. I think that it is often used when we are going to be honest about what is really going on in life. It indicates that we should have everything together, look perfect, and not have problems. But when we allow things to "break through" then we are seen as coming unglued.

I feel like we have become a society who walks around with masks on. We are who we think others want us to be. These are gross over-generalizations and I am not sure how well I have really formulated these thoughts, but this is what I am thinking about.

I want to "unglued" all of the time. I want to be honest, truthful. I am me!

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