Tuesday, July 22, 2008

RAGBRAI comes to town!

RAGBRAI, The Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa, has come to Ames! It is a BIG deal here. Practically the entire town has embraced the event. For a small town in central Iowa, such an event brings lots of excitement.

There are approximately 10,000 rides and at least 10,000 supporters that have converged upon Ames. This is pretty much doubling the current population of Ames! There are bicycles and riders, tents and RVs, food stands and people everywhere. It seems as though Ames has turned into a very large camp ground for the night. There are even 8 tents in our own front yard. [Yes, we sort of know the people...they are friends of a friend.] Tonight there is an entire festival planned with fireworks and everything!

RAGBRAI is a 472 bike ride across Iowa over the course of 7 days. Towns petition to get RAGBRAI to stay in their town. Read more here.

I think it would be SO much fun to do some summer. Anyway, that's the big news from Ames...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to be one of the 10,000 some year. It sounds & looks so fun.